21-Day Language Challenge

I've curated daily challenges and journal prompts to write in your target language to get you immersed, no matter what level you're at.

join the Waitlist

Next Date: July 14, 2023

what's the challenge?

daily videos & emails to your inbox

I've created a private Facebook group for the language learning community. We'll need each other to stay accountable. 


There is also a private Discord chat room for the language learning community so you can find your future best friends.

discord chat room

You'll be encouraged to share your progress on social media to not only track your progress, but enter in a giveaway to get 1 on one time with me, Jo Franco!

social media content

You will be in a community of language learners who will inspire you to look in all corners of the internet to find resources you actually connect to. I'll share tips and tricks, hacks, sites, and more.

Access to resources & language learning tools






Early bird pricing

In order to make this challenge more accessible, there will be an early bird price that is discounted for the first few days of sales. Sign up to the newsletter to hear about it first! 


what do you get?

giveaways for learning language resources

get access to our facebook group (a free community exclusively for participants)

daily newsletters with challenges